Leveraging Virtual Teams: Maximising Efficiency and Productivity

Leveraging Virtual Teams: Maximising Efficiency and Productivity

Discover how to maximise efficiency and productivity by leveraging virtual teams.

Picture this: your company has multiple sites, and you’re considering offshore staff to optimize costs and expand your talent pool. But how can you build a cohesive team culture and ensure smooth communication between onshore and offshore members? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. 

With virtual teams spread across different locations, time zones, and even countries, miscommunication can rear its head, making it challenging to cultivate the same level of trust and unity within a virtual team.

Another thing is that in a traditional office setup, you can easily glance around and get a sense of who’s working on what. But in a virtual environment, it’s not as simple. 

Keeping track of tasks, deadlines, and individual contributions requires robust systems and tools!

These challenges may seem overwhelming, but there’s a way out of those loopholes.

Wondering how a leveraged virtual team can power up your property business? Download our Buyers Agent Growth Map and start navigating your path to success!

Note: Portions of this article were generated with the assistance of AI.

Best Practices in Boosting the Productivity of Property Business Virtual Teams

Tip #1: Set clear goals and expectations

To effectively manage your virtual team, start by setting clear goals and expectations for each team member. Clearly communicate the responsibilities, deadlines, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for everyone. 

This ensures everyone knows their role in contributing to the company’s success and eliminates any confusion.

It’s like a roadmap that guides your team members, ensuring they all know exactly what they need to achieve and how to get there. That’s the power of setting clear and well-defined goals in a virtual team!

Don’t know how to begin yet? Here are some best practices and ideas you might want to apply to your property business virtual crew:

Collaborative Goal-Setting

Want your virtual team to be fully invested in reaching those goals? Involve them in the goal-setting process! Encourage their input and insights, and watch as they take ownership of the objectives.

Set SMART goals! 

They’re Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By framing your goals this way, you turn abstract ideas into actionable targets that your team can work towards with laser focus. 

If large goals feel daunting, make it a habit within the organisation to break them down into bite-sized tasks. It not only makes progress tangible but also keeps everyone motivated.

Empower with Resources and Recognition 

Support your virtual team by providing the tools, resources, and information they need to hit those goals out of the park. This is definitely one of the best practices every business owner should do more often.

And when your team achieves milestones and reaches objectives, don’t forget to shower them with recognition and rewards. Everyone loves a pat on the back!

With these savvy practices under your belt, you’re well on your way to being the captain of a focused, driven, and goal-oriented virtual team. 

Your clear goals will serve as a guiding light, leading your team towards success and new heights in the property business! Let’s make it happen! 💪🏠

Tip #2: Establish effective communication

Effective communication within a virtual team is a powerful catalyst for seamless collaboration, no matter where team members are in the world. 

By implementing effective communication practices, virtual teams can minimise misunderstandings, clarify points and reduce the likelihood of misinterpretations that may occur in text-based communications.

So, aside from emails, here are some handy communication tools you can use in your virtual team management that can transform your virtual team’s collaboration game:


Slack is a popular team messaging app that allows real-time chat, file sharing, and integration with other tools, keeping all communication organised and accessible. You can also hop on a voice or video call with a team member if you want to, or create multiple channels where you can discuss the different projects your organisation is working on (so that discussions won’t be all over the place).

Pro tip: Dedicate a channel where your team members can just relax, joke around, and share anything just for laughs. It’s going to be like your virtual hang-out room. Trust us, it’s therapeutic!

Google Workspace

Previously known as G Suite, this suite of collaboration tools includes Gmail, Google Drive, Google Meet, Google Calendar, and more, facilitating smooth virtual teamwork.


For crystal-clear video conferencing and virtual meetings, Zoom is a go-to tool that brings team members together regardless of their physical locations! Zoom has been a boom when the pandemic hit, and it’s proven that virtual meetings CAN be fun too!


Originally designed for gamers, Discord’s voice and text chat features make it suitable for teams seeking informal and casual communication, pretty much like Slack.

With these communication tools at your disposal, your virtual team can connect easily and regularly, facilitating effective collaboration and propelling your property business towards its goals.

Tip #3: Use appropriate collaboration tools

Photo by Rodrigo Santos

In connection with clear communication, it is also important that your team invest in the right collaboration and project management tools. 

These tools streamline workflows, track progress, and facilitate seamless communication among team members, leading to increased productivity, making virtual team management a breeze.

Here are some examples of project management tools your team can use to increase efficiency and productivity:


Asana is a versatile project management tool that allows teams to organise tasks, assign responsibilities, set deadlines, and track progress. It offers a user-friendly interface, customisable boards, and various integrations, making it ideal for managing projects of all sizes.


Trello is a popular visual collaboration tool that uses boards, lists, and cards to organise tasks and projects. It’s perfect for teams who prefer a more visual approach to project management, and it’s easy to use for both small and large virtual teams.


Monday.com is a robust and customizable project management platform that offers a wide range of features, including task tracking, automation, and visual analytics. It’s great for teams that need flexibility and want to tailor the tool to their specific needs.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams, part of the Microsoft 365 suite, combines chat, video conferencing, file sharing, and project management features into one platform. It’s an all-in-one solution for virtual teams who rely heavily on Microsoft tools for collaboration.


ClickUp is a comprehensive project management tool that provides a centralised workspace for teams to plan, organise, and collaborate. It offers a wide array of features, including task management, time tracking, goal setting, and integrations with other popular tools.

Please note that while these platforms have free trials, you might still want to subscribe to a paid plan to efficiently use them.

Each of these project management tools brings its own set of strengths to the table. The key is to choose the one that aligns best with your virtual team’s needs, preferences, and workflow. 

If you are having struggles with putting your end-to-end workflow in place along with the tools to use within your organisation, the Grow With the Flow service can be of great help to you!

Tip #4: Set regular FUN check-ins and meetings

Photo by Rodrigo Santos

FACT CHECK: Staying connected with your team is crucial for success.

We’ve mentioned regular team meetings and individual check-ins, discussing progress, addressing challenges, and fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork in virtual teams.

But studies showed that so many work-from-home employees feel chained in Zoom meetings, affecting their efficiency. 

Here’s the good news: to boost your team’s productivity, you can loosen up and make these meetings fun rather than stressful. 

Not convinced yet? Here are some delightful ideas to make your regular check-ins even more engaging:

Townhall Activities: Host virtual townhall activities where team members share their achievements, hobbies, or even fun facts about themselves. It’s a great way to foster a sense of belonging and get to know each other beyond work, wherever they are around the globe.

Virtual Training: Offer virtual training sessions to upskill your team members. Whether it’s a mini-workshop or a guest speaker sharing industry insights, these sessions empower your team and enhance their expertise.

Fun Check-ins: Begin meetings with a lighthearted “fun check-in” question before delving into the “business agendas”. Ask about favourite movies, dream vacation spots, or quirky talents. It sets a positive tone and brings smiles all around. 

Your team will feel more connected and feel more comfortable speaking their minds when you do this, we promise!

Virtual Team-Building Games or Coffee Breaks: Incorporate team-building games into your meetings. From virtual escape rooms to online quizzes, these activities strengthen team dynamics while adding a dose of fun. 

For virtual coffee breaks, team members can share their favourite brews, discuss weekend plans, or simply unwind together. This is much fun especially if you have team members from all around the world!

Holding regular FUN meetings ensures team alignment, boosts morale, fosters camaraderie and celebrates achievements. 

Working 8 hours a day in the face of a screen can be a bummer, so why not put some face-to-face interactions here and there?

It will build trust and rapport, strengthening the foundation of your strong virtual team management. 

And yes, it can bring positive vibes to your team’s mental health too!

Tip #5: Cultivate a positive team culture

Building a positive team culture is crucial for a successful virtual team. 

A positive team culture built on trust, mutual respect, and support enhances team morale and productivity.

It boosts team morale and creates a sense of belonging, even in the absence of a physical office. 

When team members feel connected, supported, and valued, they are more motivated to give their best efforts and go the extra mile for the property business.

A positive team culture also enhances communication and collaboration among virtual team members. With trust and mutual respect at the core of the culture, team members are more likely to share ideas, seek feedback, and collaborate on projects. 

This open communication fosters innovation and creativity, leading to better problem-solving and improved decision-making.

Furthermore, a positive team culture in a virtual setting helps reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness that remote workers may experience. Our Champions can attest to that!

If you haven’t thought about it, consider identifying your business’s core values and the kind of culture you would like to foster in your organisation.

Doing this will help you and your virtual team live by those values and cultivate success and progress in the business.

Champion Case Study: Noel Madlangbayan

To give you a real-life example of the positive benefits of a positive team culture can have on a remote team member, meet Noel. He’s one of our seasoned Champion-turned-Hero team members!

Noel shares his experience, exploring not just the financial benefits of working as a virtual assistant but, more importantly, the immeasurable value it has brought to his career and personal life. 

Check out Noel’s story here.

Tip #6: Provide constructive performance evaluation and feedback 

In the dynamic world of the property business, where virtual teams are becoming the norm, providing constructive performance evaluation and feedback is a game-changer for maximising team members’ efficiency and productivity. 

How does it help, you ask? By regularly evaluating team performance and providing constructive feedback, your virtual crew identifies areas for improvement, which motivates them to excel in their roles.

And this is true both in face-to-face and virtual settings. 

Giving constructive feedback to your team members gives them clearer expectations and goals, stronger motivation and engagement on projects they own, and they get to understand areas of strengths and improvement.

Performance evaluations help team leaders ensure that team members’ individual goals are aligned with the overall business objectives as well, and can lead them to create targeted development plans for each team member. 

By addressing specific areas that need improvement, team members can overcome challenges and hone their skills, resulting in enhanced productivity and performance.

Tip #7: Be flexible with schedules

Photo by AlphaTradeZone

Working across different time zones may require flexibility with schedules. Be understanding of team members’ time constraints and find ways to accommodate various work hours. 

A balance between work-life and personal life contributes to a motivated and productive team.

So how does a flexible schedule actually maximise a team’s effectiveness and productivity?

First, when team members work in their preferred time zones or during their most productive hours, they can optimise their focus and energy. 

Team members can deliver high-quality work consistently with enhanced productivity because they are not compelled to work during their unnatural working hours.

Did you know that leveraging time zone differences can also lead to quicker turnaround times on projects?

As team members hand off tasks at the end of their workday, colleagues in other time zones can pick them up and continue the workflow, effectively reducing project lead times.

What we also observed is that working across different time zones brings a diverse range of perspectives to the table. Team members from various regions can offer unique insights, cultural knowledge, and innovative solutions, enriching the overall team dynamic and problem-solving capabilities.

It also fosters a culture of flexibility and adaptability within the virtual team. Team members become adept at coordinating across borders, embracing different working styles, and maintaining effective communication channels.

So you see, accommodating different time zones and working hours is a powerful strategy for boosting virtual team effectiveness and productivity in the property business. 

By tapping into the strengths of time zone differences, your virtual team can work harmoniously around the clock, driving success and achieving remarkable results

Get the Right People Aboard!

So you see,  the potential of leveraging virtual teams in the property business is limitless when armed with the right tools and strategies. 

We’ve explored how effective communication, clear goal-setting, and positive team culture lay the foundation for virtual team success. Additionally, acknowledging time zones and providing constructive feedback further enhance efficiency and productivity.

But let’s not forget the most critical ingredient – the right people

Maximising efficiency and productivity in virtual teams requires skilled and well-trained individuals who possess the right mindset to propel your property business to new heights. And that’s where our Champions come in.

Our Champions are equipped with the knowledge and skillset to excel in the virtual team environment. They are trained to handle property business challenges without breaking a sweat. Say goodbye to the hiring process stress; we’ve got you covered!

If you’re ready to unleash the full potential of your property business by leveraging virtual teams, it’s time to take the next step.

Want to know when and how to best leverage virtual team members to scale your business? Our Buyers Agency Growth Map can lead you to the next right steps. Download your own FREE copy today!

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5 Ways The Growth Hub Helps Property Businesses Overcome System and Process Challenges

5 Ways The Growth Hub Helps Property Businesses Overcome System and Process Challenges

Is your growing property business meeting some workflow bottlenecks?

In this article, you will see five ways The Growth Hub can help you overcome your challenges with SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES.

Congratulations on your growing business! All the hard work and sleepless nights had indeed paid off well. 

But as your business flourishes and client demands soar, it’s a natural thing to encounter some challenges.

Among the many hurdles you might encounter, the intricacies of managing systems and processes can often leave you scratching your head in bewilderment.

If you’ve ever found yourself caught in the web of disorganised workflows, tangled file systems, or struggling to measure performance effectively, you’re not alone. 

In this article, we’re thrilled to share with you how The Growth Hub can become your partner in untangling the complexities of your real estate business systems and processes!

Ready to streamline your systems? Get your full end-to-end business workflow systems and processes in place and unleash your property business’ growth potential with our Grow With the Flow service!

Five TGH Systems and Processes Help for Property Business

Through years of experience and a proven track record, The Growth Hub understands the unique challenges of property businesses. 

Ready to find out how you get out of the quicksand?

Here are five ways The Growth Hub can help as your guiding light out of the darkest corners of the system and process challenges of the real estate business space.

End-to-End Business Process Analysis

Photo by Lukas

Have you ever felt like you’re juggling a dozen things at once, trying to keep your operations running smoothly? We’ve all been there, trust us! 

As our businesses grow, so do the complexities of managing everything, from client interactions to property listings. 

That’s why you must have got your business process in place. So, how’s yours? If it’s all over the place now, don’t worry. 

The Growth Hub is here to help you dive deep into your workflows and untangle any knots as part of an end-to-end business process analysis!

As you sail in the property business world, you need a constant health check for your business to ensure you’re heading in the right direction. 

The Growth Hub’s Systems Specialist will sit down with you and take a close look at every nook and cranny of your processes. 

We’ll help you spot any inefficiencies, identify bottlenecks, and even uncover hidden opportunities for growth to help you better in your task management.

Not convinced? 

Try this nifty 2-minute Business Health Check Quiz for a start! It’s like a quick pulse check for your business, helping you identify which area needs a little extra TLC.

Just imagine, in less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee, you can gain valuable insights into your business’s health. 

Are your processes smooth sailing, or do they need some adjustment? Take the quiz, and let us know how your business health is!!

Workflow Optimisation

Let’s face one of the biggest challenges of property businesses: as property moguls-in-the-making, we’ve got a gazillion tasks to tackle every day. 

It’s a never-ending hustle from managing client inquiries to handling property listings and ensuring seamless coordination among team members! 

But guess what? The Growth Hub has a secret weapon to bring order to this delightful chaos – Workflow Optimisation!

Now, you might wonder, “Hey, how can they optimise something that seems so complicated?” 

Well, here’s the thing: The Growth Hub has danced this tango with countless property business owners in the past three years!

Case Study: Keith Chen of MORC Interiors

Meet Keith Chen, the Managing Director of MORC Interiors. 

As the COVID pandemic spread out in 2020, he’s had the challenge of covering all the roles of running the business on his own, barely making free time for himself. 

He also needed help creating a system and process to smoothly transition from marketing to sales to operations, covering all the small tasks (admin tasks) in the background. 

With all the hullabaloo going around the real estate business, he met The Growth Hub, and together, they were able to optimise his business systems and processes and freed up his time.

That’s how our Grow with the Flow service transformed his “everything in my head” into more organised, streamlined systems his whole team now implements and follows! 

And by the way, he’s a new dad!

Listen to his full story in this video:

Full Onboarding and Training Support for Your Champion/VA

Now, we all know that finding the right property Virtual Assistant (or as we call it, Champion) can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. 

Going through piles of resumes and endless discovery calls can be a major headache! But guess what? 

The Growth Hub is here to rescue you from stress and make the process as smooth as butter!

You don’t have to worry about sifting through resumes and going through interviews, because the Growth Hub team will do the legwork for you, searching high and low to find the ideal Champion/VA for your specific needs.

And that’s not all – once your Champion is found, we also provide full-onboarding support, ensuring that your Champion/VA is seamlessly integrated into your property business. 

But wait, there’s more! The Growth Hub also provides top-notch training support for your Champion, making sure that your team member is well-equipped with all the skills and knowledge needed to handle property development tasks like a pro. 

Now, I don’t know about you, but the idea of skipping the stress of onboarding and training sounds like a dream come true. 

Related reading: The Growth Hub’s Fully Supported GROWTH Model vs. Upwork/Fiverr: Which is the Better Choice for Your Business?

File System Organisation

Photo by Brett Sayles

We know, this might not sound like the wildest roller coaster ride, but your filing system is the backbone of your successful property business.

Imagine looking for a very important file within the digital jungle of your computer. It’s like a frustrating game of hide-and-seek, and as property business owners, we’ve got no time for that. 

You’ve got client contracts, property photos, legal documents, and a gazillion other files to manage. Without a proper filing system, it’s like walking through a maze blindfolded. 

But when everything is neatly categorised and stored, it’s like finding the treasure map with an “X” marking the spot, making your task management a breeze!

Is your team using Google Drive? Dropbox? OneDrive? Other digital drives? 

We understand that it’s not always easy to keep files organised, especially in a property business, so we made sure that file system organisation is included in our Grow With the Flow service

With our systemised process in file management, you can develop that centralised filing system to boost your productivity and minimise losing important documents.

Say goodbye to the miscommunications, duplicated efforts, or wasted time looking for files in a digital jungle, and say hello to more organised, easy-to-locate documents in a centralised filing system.

Growth Opportunities and KPIs Identification

We all know that scaling businesses can feel like embarking on a thrilling adventure – full of twists, turns, and the occasional unexpected challenges. And task management can be a real challenge without a clear target, right?

And the main goal is a treasure trove of growth opportunities and key performance indicators (KPIs) that’ll set our businesses on fire – in a good way.

So, what’s the secret to unlocking these growth opportunities, especially in marketing your business? 

Well, it all starts with identifying the right KPIs – those magical metrics that reveal the heartbeat of your business. 

The Growth Hub knows that each property business is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach won’t cut it. That’s why we’ll work closely with you to understand your goals and aspirations through our Marketing Growth Strategy program!

In this program, you’ll have one-on-one meetings with TGH’s resident marketing advisor to help you identify growth opportunities and KPIs.

Once the KPIs are in place, you’ll be able to track your progress, make data-driven decisions, and course-correct if needed.

No more shooting arrows in the dark – you’ll be steering your ship with a clear vision!

Let Your Business Grow with The Flow

Photo by PhotoMIX Company

Scaling and growth are great things, along with the challenges they bring to the business. The good news is that you are not alone in the journey, as TGH can be your partner to revolutionise your operations and fuel your success. 

From end-to-end business process analysis, workflow optimization, and file system organisation to uncovering growth opportunities and finding the right Champion for you – The Growth Hub is the ultimate partner in our quest for growth and efficiency.

Struggling with getting your systems and processes in order? Book a Grow With The Flow session and unlock the potential of your business today.

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The True Value of A Virtual Assistant Salary

How much should a virtual assistant cost for your business, and how much do TGH’s VAs get paid? In this article, we aim to answer these questions and more.

The cost of a virtual assistant is difficult to answer because so many factors are at play. Do you want someone based in Australia, or are you open to hiring an offshore worker?

No matter what your requirements are, at TGH, we believe that the true value of a virtual assistant lies in its ability to transform your business. 

Now before we talk about us, let’s talk about YOU.

The challenges with scaling a property business

Scaling a property business with a team of 10 or more staff inevitably brings unique challenges and goals.

Having worked with multiple property and education businesses in this position, we understand the pain points business owners face when scaling.

Each staff member must clearly understand their roles and responsibilities, and these must be effectively coordinated to ensure smooth operations. In addition, it’s important to ensure that the team is well-motivated and engaged in order to reach collective goals.

Then there’s the outsourcing challenge.

Outsourcing work to overseas staff is a tricky proposition: you have no idea how much salaries should be, what HR and legal requirements are in countries like the Philippines, and so on.

The good news is that we’re here to help overcome these challenges.

TGH’s virtual assistants are here to help bridge the gap between your local staff and offshore workers. From setting up processes to helping with recruitment, our virtual assistants will help you get the most out of your workforce. We’ll even take care of HR issues so that you can focus on growing your business.

Understanding the Value of TGH’s
Virtual Assistants

“How much do TGH’s virtual assistants get paid?”

Answering this question can be challenging, as the scope of virtual assistant services is extensive and often kept confidential within businesses. However, we’d like to provide you with an insider’s perspective to give you a glimpse of what it entails.

In order to provide you with valuable insights into the services and value of The Growth Hub Virtual Assistant salary, we conducted an interview with Noel, one of our experienced team members who transitioned from being a Champion to a Hero.

By sharing Noel’s story, our aim is to give you a glimpse into the financial side of virtual assistant services and how they have greatly influenced Noel’s career and personal life.

Noel’s Journey from Corporate to
Outstanding Virtual Assistant

Noel used to be a marketing executive in a popular hotel chain in the Philippines. He rented an apartment away from his family to live closer to his work, which would take an hour or two public transportation rides, depending on the traffic. 

A bulk of his salary would usually go to rent, food, and transportation. Savings? Just a little. 

Tied to a desk, with minimal benefits and tiring daily transport. Then COVID-19 hit, and the tourism and hotel industry was badly affected. 

That’s when Noel started looking for virtual assistant jobs online and met TGH. He quickly learned all about the services virtual assistants offered clients and how he could upskill himself in doing those tasks.

Within just 2 years of joining TGH, he transitioned seamlessly, evolving from a property virtual assistant to a dynamic member of our HR team. Now, he is an indispensable asset to our marketing team!

During our interview with Noel, we wanted answers to the following:

✔️ What makes him stay with TGH (instead of going to competitors)?

✔️ What’s his best learning in the virtual world so far?

✔️ Is the virtual assistant salary enough to sustain him and his family?

Curious about what Noel had to say about his journey with TGH? Keep reading.

The True Value of Being Employed by TGH:
More Than a Salary

I had the pleasure of having a chat with Noel about his journey with us at TGH. 

Here are some of the things he loves about working with us and why he keeps on choosing to grow with TGH compared to other virtual assistant jobs out there:

✅ Freedom from the daily commute

✅ Flexible working hours while earning more than what he used to earn in the corporate world

✅ Opportunity to support and help his family

✅ More open doors  to grow and learn within the organisation

✅ Collaborate with growth-minded and happy people in TGH

HMOs, Paid Time Offs, paid training – more than a regular virtual assistant salary!

✅ Blessed to work, travel, and enjoy at the same time (he’s been to the mountains and some beautiful beaches of the Philippines!)

✅ With his salary, he was able to buy his very own house!

So much more!

I don’t want to spoil the whole thing, so I’ll let you discover more and listen to his full story here.

It’s More than What’s in the Bank

What we pay to our virtual assistants, or Champions, is worth far more than what’s in the bank. 

With this kind of setup, the value of our Champion’s salary runs deeper, as it supports families, savings, travel goals, and many more!

We invest in people – that means developing skills, relationships, integrity, and outstanding work ethics (just like what Noel has an abundance of!)

Still, got questions? Maybe you haven’t made up your mind yet about getting a property virtual assistant through an agency like The Growth Hub. We understand.

Comparing Alternatives:
TGH vs. Upwork and Fiverr

It’s natural to consider less expensive alternatives, like hiring a virtual assistant through Upwork or Fiverr. But cost isn’t the only factor to consider when it comes to outsourcing.

Here’s what TGH offers that our competitors do not.

💪🏻 Not just soldiers but growth partners 🤝

At The Growth Hub, we offer a premium service that goes beyond the duties of an ordinary virtual assistant. Our Champions, like Noel, are more than just task-takers; they are growth partners who are deeply committed to their roles, consistently delivering high-quality work.

They are trained and experienced professionals equipped with the skills necessary to cater to specific needs like property management.

Sanders Muleya, the Director of Msisa Property and Consulting can attest to that. 

Here’s what he has to say with his experience with The Growth Hub:

We are grateful for these kind words from our clients. Listen to his full story and why he keeps choosing TGH as his property business partner here.

We look after our people, which means they look after you. ⭐️

Furthermore, we provide benefits such as health insurance and paid leave, which you wouldn’t typically find on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr.

This not only ensures our Champions are motivated and satisfied, but it also translates to better performance and reliability for your business.

While you might find cheaper options elsewhere, remember the adage, “you get what you pay for.” The higher cost of hiring through TGH is an investment that guarantees value for your money.

We take quality seriously ✨

Our Champions (VAs) have their internal coaches, aka. “Heroes” are in charge of nurturing the Champion’s growth.

On top of that, we have a rigorous process to assess and monitor quality performance on a regular basis. Our Heroes work closely with each client to ensure their needs are accurately understood, and the work is completed to the highest standard. They act as the bridge between clients and Champions, integral to both parties’ success.

So when you partner with TGH, you can rest assured knowing your virtual assistant is held to the highest performance standards. Our systems are designed to ensure value for both clients and our Champions.

Related reading: The Growth Hub’s Fully Supported GROWTH Model vs. Upwork/Fiverr: Which is the Better Choice for Your Business?


We believe that opting for a virtual assistant from TGH is more than just a smart business decision. It’s an investment in quality, reliability, and transformative growth.

By ensuring our Champions are well-compensated, nurtured, and consistently held to the highest performance benchmarks, we guarantee a level of service that sets us apart from other options like Fiverr or Upwork.

The real-life story of Noel illustrates the transformative power of our model. His life was significantly impacted by working with TGH, illustrating the potential we offer to businesses and our dedicated team of Champions.

Therefore, while you may find cheaper alternatives, the value derived from our services far outweighs the cost, making TGH the wiser choice for those seeking dependable, high-quality virtual assistance.


Here are just some of the few things we help you with:


→ Identifying training needs of the Virtual Assistant

→ Putting your VA through training

→ Career development for your VA

→ Creating a supportive work environment for your VAs wellbeing as a remote team member

→ Training on how to document everything he/she does daily/weekly/monthly so the role may be filled when you VA moves on from or up within you business


Help figuring out the tech set up, so you can communicate with your VA

Ensuring data security and privacy between your VA and your company

Get your VA connected to your systems with passwords

Ensuring your VA has the right hardware to perform their tasks, including back up options to cope with weather and power emergencies


Ensuring compliance with local Philippines employment laws

Back up support when your VA can’t make it in to work

Record and manage holidays, sick leave and compassionate leave

Performance Management:

Helping you to figure out the tasks you need to give to your VA

Weekly and monthly reporting to understand your VA’s work completed

Managing your VA against their KPIs

Help balancing your VAs workload. Is he/she working too much or not enough?

Recruitment & Selection:

DISC profiling to assist with ideal recruitment and selection

Recruitment, reference checks and guidance with selection, basically finding the ideal person for the role


Knowing how or when to make pay adjustments

Advise on how and when to give incentives, rewards and bonuses

Want to see how our virtual assistants can bring about positive change and significantly impact your business’s growth trajectory? Connect with a TGH Growth Specialist today.

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The Top 3 Challenges Property Businesses Face in Structuring Systems and Processes


Hitting roadblocks with scaling your property business? This article will share the top 3 challenges you’ll face with systems and processes.

Running a property business requires effective structuring of systems and processes to ensure smooth operations and sustainable growth. 

With the long lists of  tasks and day-to-day operations which need to be covered, it is of utmost importance that you have your “SOP” firmly in place, or you’ll feel lost and overwhelmed in the process.

However, real estate business structuring systems and processes is not without its challenges. 

Which tools should I use? 

What step should I take?

Should I delegate this? Maybe not, I can still do this.

And the list of questions goes on!

Here’s the thing: Understanding these challenges is the first step towards overcoming them and building a solid foundation for success.

Don’t you agree?

In this article, we’ll explore the top three challenges of property businesses when it comes to structuring their systems and processes, and what you can do to jump through them. 

Note: Portions of this article were generated with the assistance of AI.

Ready to scale your property business and streamline your systems? Claim your free Buyers Agent Growth Map for actionable strategies and insights to optimise operations and drive sustainable growth.

Three Systems and Processes Hurdles Faced by Property Businesses

lack of standardization

Photo by Lukas

Challenge 1: Lack of Process Standardisation

One of the most significant challenges property businesses face when structuring their systems and processes is the lack of standardisation. 

This happens when there is a lack of consistent processes and procedures across different departments or teams within the organisation.  

For example, imagine the sales team has a different process for client onboarding than the property management team. This inconsistency can lead to confusion and delays in transferring crucial information, potentially affecting the client experience. 

Similarly, if there are no standardised procedures for lease management, it becomes challenging to ensure accurate and consistent lease documentation, leading to potential legal and financial complications.

The impacts? Miscommunication, duplicated efforts, errors, wasted time and resources, and probably negative client experience.

To overcome this challenge, property businesses must prioritise the establishment of standardised processes and procedures. 

Here are some of the things you can do to begin the standardisation in your property business:

Identify Key Processes: Determine the critical processes and workflows that require standardisation. Focus on areas that have a significant impact on business operations and customer experience, such as client onboarding, lease management, and financial procedures.

Document Procedures: Clearly document step-by-step procedures and guidelines for each key process. Include details on roles and responsibilities, required documentation, and timelines. Make these documents easily accessible to all relevant team members.

Communicate and Train: Ensure that all team members are aware of the standardised processes and provide comprehensive training on their implementation. Foster a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging feedback and suggestions for process enhancements.

Review and Update: Regularly review and update the standardised processes to ensure they remain relevant and effective. As the business evolves, it is crucial to adapt and refine procedures accordingly.

By implementing consistent practices across departments, your organisation will experience improved efficiency, reduced errors, enhanced collaboration, and a smoother flow of operations, setting the stage to a better success.

Case study: How Joe Tucker gained control of his property business

Joe Tucker, the owner of Property Principles Group. Joe faced the same challenges and felt the weight of disorganized processes holding back his property business. But then, he discovered our Grow With the Flow Program.

Through this program, Joe learned how to systemize and standardize his processes, bringing clarity and efficiency to his operations. No longer bogged down by chaos, Joe experienced a newfound sense of control and confidence in his business.

Curious to hear Joe’s full story and how the Grow With the Flow Program turned his property business around? Watch his whole story here.

Disparate Systems and Integration Problems

Photo by Vlada Karpovich

Challenge 2: Disparate Systems and Integration Problems

Another common challenge property businesses face when structuring their systems and processes is the use of multiple systems across different departments, causing negative impacts on efficiency and communication within the organisation.

Have you noticed that? Different departments often rely on their own separate systems to manage their specific tasks and operations. Yes, that’s a task management dilemma.

For example, the sales team may use one customer relationship management (CRM) software, while the property management team uses a different platform for lease management. This lack of integration leads to data silos, duplicated efforts, and difficulties in sharing information between departments. 

As a result, it becomes challenging to have a comprehensive view of the business, coordinate efforts, and ensure smooth communication.

That’s why the integration of disparate systems is crucial for property businesses to streamline their operations and ensure data consistency across the organisation. 

This integration enables a holistic view of the business, allowing for better decision-making, improved collaboration, and enhanced customer service.

Here are some simple solutions for system integration that you can apply in your business:

Implement an Integrated Software Solution: Consider adopting an all-in-one property management software that combines essential functionalities such as CRM, lease management, accounting, and reporting. Options you can use here are RP DATA, Stash, Archistar, or Pricefinder. This integrated solution eliminates the need for multiple systems and promotes efficient collaboration between departments.

Foster Cross-Departmental Communication: Encourage regular communication and collaboration between departments. Establish channels for sharing information, insights, and updates. This can be achieved through regular team meetings, digital collaboration tools, or cross-functional projects.

Standardise Processes and Workflows: As mentioned in Challenge #1, establish standardised processes and workflows that are consistent across departments to have task management. This helps ensure that everyone follows the same procedures and facilitates easier integration of systems. Documenting these processes also serves as a valuable resource for training new employees and maintaining consistency.

Provide Training and Support: Offer training sessions and ongoing support to employees to familiarise them with integrated systems and encourage their effective use. This helps foster adoption and ensures that teams are equipped to maximise the benefits of integrated systems.

By implementing these simple solutions, you can overcome the challenge of integrating disparate systems and fostering cross-departmental collaboration. The result is improved efficiency, enhanced communication, and a more cohesive and streamlined operation.

Buyers Agent Growth Map

Ready to level up your property business? Unlock the potential of streamlined systems and scalable growth with our free Buyers Agent Growth Map. Download now and start paving the way to success.

scalability and growth

Photo by Fauxels

Challenge 3: Scalability and Growth

The third top challenge of property businesses is, believe it or not, scalability and growth. 

Scaling up a property business is an exciting prospect, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Without proper systems and processes in place, rapid growth can quickly become overwhelming. 

Here’s the thing: As your property business begins to expand and take on more properties or clients, you will, for certain, encounter a range of growth-related challenges, like client onboarding, lease management, financial operations, and communication. 

Inadequate systems and processes in these areas can result in inefficiencies, errors, and delays, ultimately hindering business growth potential.

Without proper systems and processes in place, you may struggle to handle increased workloads, leading to bottlenecks, overwhelmed team members, and compromised customer service.

So, how can you support growth early on? Here are some suggestions:

Evaluate and Plan for Growth: Anticipate future growth and assess the potential impact on your systems and processes. Identify areas that are likely to experience the most significant strain and prioritise improvements accordingly. If you want to have a quick business health check, try our 2-minute business diagnosis quiz here!

Automation and Technology: Embrace automation and technology solutions to streamline repetitive tasks, minimise manual errors, and increase efficiency. Property management software, for example, can automate lease tracking, maintenance requests, and financial reporting, freeing up time for more strategic activities.

Standardise Processes: Establish standardised processes that can be easily replicated and scaled. Clearly define roles and responsibilities, create workflow templates, and document best practices to ensure consistency and efficiency.

Consider outsourcing/ delegating tasks: Accept it: your plate is full. To make sure that you are efficiently covering the most essential parts of the business, you should learn how to let go and delegate those tedious, low-value tasks to someone else. This way, you can multiply your time and be confident that you’ve got everything properly covered.

If you are unsure where to find reliable property virtual assistants to support you in your ventures, read our blog about it!

We compared the pros and cons of hiring VAs in Upwork and Fiverr VS the Fully supported Growth Model of hiring Champions.

By implementing these strategies, property businesses can design scalable systems and processes that support growth. This allows for smoother operations, improved productivity, and the ability to seize growth opportunities with confidence.

Overcome the Systems and Process Challenges by Taking Action

These challenges of property businesses can be discouraging at times, but they can also be viewed as GROWTH opportunities. 

When you identify your business’ pain points, it will be a lot easier to overcome the challenge of the lack of process standardisation, the disparate systems you might be using, and the exciting thought of growth and scaling up. 

If you don’t know where to begin, don’t worry! You can always  find help along the property business journey.

Ready to overcome the challenges of scaling your property business and streamline your systems and processes? 

Take the first step today by grabbing our free Buyers Agent Growth Map!

This Buyers Agent Growth Map will help you understand where your property business is at the moment, and what you can do to address the bottlenecks of your milestone. 

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below, or shoot us a message.

We at TGH love to hear from you!

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Navigate Your Path to Success: A Buyers Agent Growth Map

Any property buyers agency aims for scaling and growth. The promise of stability on this line of business is both attractive and intimidating.

But with the right business growth plan, that stability and success will be an exciting experience just on your fingertips.

Here’s the thing: A good business strategy for growth begins by defining where your buyers agency business is in its journey. 

Do you have a startup business? A scaling one? A stable agency? Or a bigger successful one, aiming to stay in the spectrum? 

If you are looking for ideas for business development plan or an effective growth marketing plan, it is essential that you understand at what stage your business is at the moment. 

In this article, we will explore the 5 stages of a business to help you where you’re at, and some practical projected growth business plan you can apply to ensure your business’ transformation.

We’re also sharing with you A Buyers Agent Growth Map: a free business growth plan pdf template that you can refer to, with comprehensive steps that a buyer’s agent can take to grow their business, build their brand, and increase their revenue.

Ready to dig in? Let’s start navigating!




The 5 Stages of the Growth Map

Every buyers agency business has to undergo 5 stages of the business. We all began as startups, right? 

And what you needed when your business was just starting up were far different when you moved up the ladder of Scaling up or being a Stable business.

As your needs evolve, you might feel lost and begin thinking of strategic planning for business growth to cater the demands of your growing client pool.

So, here are the 5 stages a business goes into along the Growth Map, and some practical tips to know which stage you’re in. 

And don’t forget to download our A Buyers Agent Growth Map to get foundational steps that can help you know the next things to do to grow your business.


Milestone #1: Startup

Everyone started somewhere. So from the word itself, the startup stage of a business is the earliest stage of a company’s life cycle.

In this stage, the primary focus is on developing and refining the business idea and bringing it to life. You might be having longer days and nights as you are establishing the very foundations of something big.

As an aspiring buyers agency, you are typically in the process of developing a product or service, building a team, and seeking funding, all part of a startup growth plan.

Some common indicators that a business is in the startup stage include:


    • Limited resources and funding: Startups often have limited financial resources and are seeking funding to support their growth.
    • Developing the business idea: Startups are focused on developing and refining their business idea, often through market research, customer feedback, and testing.
    • Building a team: Startups are in the process of building a team with the skills and experience needed to bring the business idea to life.
    • Launching a product or service: Startups are typically focused on launching their product or service and gaining traction in the market.
    • High risk and uncertainty: Startups are considered high-risk ventures, with a high level of uncertainty about their potential success.

If you are in the startup stage of a business, it is important to focus on developing your business idea, building a strong team, and seeking funding to support your growth. 

It is also important to be prepared for the challenges and uncertainty that come with launching a new venture.


Milestone #2: Scale

If you have successfully put the foundations in place in your buyers agency, you might start experiencing rapid growth and expansion. This will call for some serious analysis of what the business needs to keep on the momentum without sacrificing the quality of your services.

Projected growth business plans need to be put in place to ensure the consistent flow of success. And congratulations, you just hit the Scale milestone! 

This often involves a significant increase in revenue, customer base, and employee count. 

In this stage, the focus is on scaling operations, improving efficiencies, and expanding into new markets.

Here are some signs that indicate a business has entered the Scale stage:


    • Consistent Revenue Growth: If the business is experiencing significant and consistent revenue growth over a period of time, it’s a clear sign of a business entering the Scale stage.
    • Increasing Customer Base: As the business grows, so does its customer base. An increasing number of customers and repeat business are key indicators that a business is scaling.
    • Adding More Employees: When a business is scaling, it needs a more hands-on deck to manage the increased workload. If you’re hiring more employees or freelancers to manage your growing business, it could be a sign that you’re scaling.
    • Expansion to New Markets: Another sign of scaling is when a business is expanding to new markets, whether it be geographically or through new products or services.
    • Increased Investment: As the business grows, it may require more investment to support the expansion. If you’re receiving more investment or taking on debt to fuel growth, it could be a sign that you’re scaling.

Are you seeing your buyers agency at this level? If you are seeing these signs and are feeling both excited and anxious, don’t worry. That’s natural.

The Scale stage is an exciting time for a business, but it also presents new challenges, including the need to manage resources and maintain quality while growing rapidly.

That’s why you need to be properly guided for the next steps to take, and you can know that in our Buyer’s Agent Growth Map!


Milestone #3: Stable

Next milestone is the Stable stage. This is characterised by consistent revenue, profitability, and a solid customer base. 

At this stage, your property buyers agency has established its position in the market and has a proven business model. 🎉

The main focus of the business is on maintaining its current level of success and continuing to improve operations.

Here are some signs that a business has entered the Stable stage:


    • Consistent revenue and profitability: A stable business generates consistent revenue and profits over a sustained period of time.
    • Established customer base: The business has a loyal customer base that generates repeat business and referrals.
    • Established operations: The business has established efficient and effective operational processes and procedures.
    • Established team: The business has a stable and experienced team that can effectively manage day-to-day operations.
    • Limited growth opportunities: The business has limited growth opportunities and may not be able to significantly increase revenue or expand into new markets.
    • Focus on maintaining success: The main focus of the business is on maintaining its current level of success and improving operations.

Ironically, most businesses in the Stable stage may face challenges such as stagnation in growth, complacency, and becoming too comfortable with the status quo. 

Without a continued business growth plan to innovate and adapt to changing market conditions, businesses in the Stable stage may find themselves losing market share and becoming less relevant to clients.

So be on the lookout and always assess your business and listen to your clients’ needs.


Milestone #4: Success

The Success stage of a business is when the company has achieved significant growth, profitability, and market share. 

At this stage, the business has established a solid reputation, a loyal customer base, and a strong brand identity. The company may have also expanded into new markets or launched new products and services.

Some signs that a business has reached the Success milestone include:


    • Consistent Revenue: The company has a steady stream of revenue coming in and has reached a point of financial stability.
    • Established Market Position: The company has a significant market share and is recognised as a key player in the industry.
    • Strong Brand Identity: The company has a well-defined brand that resonates with customers and is easily recognisable.
    • Repeat Customers: The company has a loyal customer base that continues to use its products or services and recommends them to others.
    • Skilled Team: The company has a strong team of employees with diverse skills and expertise who work together effectively.
    • Innovation: The company is continually innovating and improving its products or services to stay ahead of the competition and meet evolving customer needs.
    • Positive Reputation: The company has a positive reputation within the industry and among its customers, suppliers, and partners.

A word of caution: As a business grows, it becomes more complex, and it can be challenging to maintain the entrepreneurial spirit that drove its success in the first place. 

Additionally, a growing business may need to hire more staff, implement new processes and systems, and manage larger teams, all of which can be challenging if not handled correctly.

So it is of utmost importance to keep projected growth business plans to keep the business in the limelight and success.




Milestone #5: Spectrum

The Spectrum stage refers to a phase in a business’s life cycle where it has achieved significant success and stability, but also faces new challenges and opportunities for growth. 

This stage is characterised by a willingness to explore new markets, innovate, and adapt to changing customer needs.

Businesses in the Spectrum stage are likely to have achieved substantial market share, have a well-established brand and reputation, and are profitable. 

They may have multiple revenue streams and a diverse customer base. They are also likely to have a strong team and operational systems in place.

To determine if a business is in the Spectrum stage, one can look at the following indicators:


    • Market position: The business has a dominant market position and has achieved significant success in its industry.
    • Revenue and profitability: The business is generating substantial revenue and profits and has a sustainable business model.
    • Innovation: The business is continuously innovating and adapting to changing market conditions and customer needs.
    • Scalability: The business has the potential to scale its operations and expand into new markets.
    • Customer satisfaction: The business has a high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Despite the success of the Spectrum stage, challenges might still present itself. 

Much like the challenges in the Success stage, if buyers agents don’t keep the momentum of maintaining the growth, innovation, and talent retention of team members, the business’ performance might degrade.




How can following The Buyer’s Agent Growth Map help you?

While each stage/ milestone presents their own challenges, they can be managed if you have your map and guide with you, helping you to navigate your buyers agency business, arming you with the right business strategy for growth.

That’s exactly what our Buyer’s Agent Growth Map gives!

In this growth map, you will be properly guided on the next foundational steps to take to get your buyers agency up to your goal milestone and how you can sustain your momentum there.

Need to:

🤔 obtain more clients?

🤔 develop a niche market?

🤔 leverage technology to streamline your workflow?

The Buyer’s Agent Growth Map is your answer!

By following the steps outlined in the map, YOU can establish YOURSELF as a trusted expert in your field, grow your business, and provide excellent service to your clients.

Isn’t that THE goal?

Download your own guide and never get lost in your buyers agency journey.



If you need extra help in getting your buyers agency more structured or in finding the right people in your team, reach out to us!

We’d love to help you grow.


Read more articles from The Growth Hub:


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From Good to Great: Know the Next Steps to Guarantee Business Growth

When you started out in the business, it is a certain step that you did your own research on how you can make this buyers agency business work. 

Yet somewhere along the way, you meet some hiccups here and there that impedes the growth of the business. Scaling up is one of the main goals, yet you find out that at some point, you have to say no to new clients because you don’t have the time to meet their needs. 

As a result, you feel stuck, frozen, looking for business growth ideas that will help you scale your property business for growth. 

But here’s the thing: you need to identify first at which part of the business you’re struggling with, so you can find specific resolutions to your specific problem. 

Just like with physical illnesses, you can’t heal a stomach ache by taking a sleeping pill!

Wondering where you can learn effective business growth strategies and how to grow your buyers agency business?

You can guarantee your business growth by focusing on just 3 elements: streamlined systems, clear strategies, and superstar team members. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore these three most vital elements, why they are essential for business growth, and learn basic tips and strategies for implementing them in your own buyers agency.

And as a bonus, you can try our FREE business diagnosis quiz so you’ll know which parts of the business you need help with!

Ready to assess your buyers agency business? Let’s get into it!

Element #1: Streamlined Systems

“Streamlined systems” refer to the processes and procedures that a buyers agency has in place to efficiently and effectively manage its operations, from acquiring clients to closing deals. 

These systems help to ensure that all tasks and activities are completed in a consistent and efficient manner, and that no steps are overlooked or missed.

Why is having efficient and effective systems in place is crucial for a buyers agency’s success?

Increases Productivity: Streamlined systems help save so much time and effort so the required tasks are efficiently done, allowing you to focus on other more important aspects of the property business.

Improves Client Satisfaction: Efficient systems help to ensure that clients receive a high level of service, with timely and accurate communication throughout the buying process. 

Enables Growth: Streamlined systems make it easier for a buyers agency to scale its operations and handle a larger volume of clients, without sacrificing quality or service. Yes to more clients!

Reduces Errors: Standardised processes and procedures help to minimise errors and oversights, reducing the risk of mistakes that could harm the agency’s reputation or lead to financial loss.

Tips to Streamline Your Buyers Agency Systems

So, here are some business growth plan tips you can do to improve the efficiency of your buyers agency business systems:

    • Standardise processes and procedures and train your team: When you standardise your processes, you are ensured that tasks are completed in a consistent and efficient manner, reducing the risk of errors and oversights. And be sure to cascade your SOPs to your team so they understand your business and the roles they are playing to guarantee your success.

    • Automate repetitive tasks: If you’re still a bit sceptical about this, it’s time you drop your doubts and embrace the good change. Automating repetitive tasks can free up time for staff to focus on more important tasks, such as client communication and relationship-building. If you need extra help with this, The Growth Hub can help you!

    • Use software tools: Have you been using Customer relationship management (CRM) tools? What property research and management tools have you been utilising? There are many software tools available that can help to streamline various aspects of a property business, such as lead generation, client management, and deal tracking. Be sure to keep yourself and your property business updated to ensure that your systems are in a firm place

    • Communicate regularly, clearly, and consistently with clients: This can help to keep clients informed and engaged throughout the buying process. And just like any other relationship, transparency is the key to fantastic connections. Did we mention how CRM tools can help you do that for you too? You can automate follow up and nurture them so they will continue to feel valued and important!

    • Plan ahead: This is another vital tip. Make sure to have a clear growth strategy in place, and anticipate the resources and systems you’ll need to support that growth.

    • Continuously improve systems: As your business evolves and grows, make sure to regularly assess and improve your streamlined systems to ensure that they remain effective and efficient. 

By implementing efficient and effective processes, the agency can improve productivity, enhance client satisfaction, facilitate growth, and minimise errors, all of which are essential for long-term success in the competitive real estate market.

Element #2: Clear Strategies

Having clear strategies is essential for the success of a business. Every journey needs a map, and that’s what strategies provide in your property business.

Here are some reasons how having clear strategies can help you guarantee property business growth:

Defines Business Direction: Do you see where your buyers agency is 5 years from now? Do you specifically know the target market you want to focus on? Do you know what sets you apart from your competitors? 

Clear strategies help to define the direction and goals of the business, providing a roadmap for how the business will achieve success. Without clear strategies, the business may lack focus and direction, making it difficult to make progress or achieve long-term goals.

Facilitates Decision-Making: Are your decisions based on the goals you have in place? Or do you tend to just go with the flow?  When faced with a choice between different options, having clear strategies can help to guide the decision-making process and ensure that decisions align with the overall goals and vision of the business. It’s not “go with the flow”, but “GROW with the flow”.

Increases Efficiency: Clear strategies ensure that resources and efforts are focused on the most important activities and initiatives. This can help to reduce waste and maximise the impact of the business’s activities.

Enables Growth: With clear strategies, you are guaranteed to enable growth by providing a foundation for the business to expand and scale its operations. With a clear understanding of the business’s goals and direction, it is easier to identify opportunities for growth and make strategic decisions that support that growth.

Improves Communication: By clearly articulating the business’s goals and direction, it is easier to ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same objectives. Clear strategies can help to improve communication within the business, as well as with clients and other stakeholders.

Measures Progress: What are your KPIs? Are you reaching them? Clear strategies provide a basis for measuring progress and success. By setting clear objectives and goals, it becomes easier to track progress and make adjustments as needed to stay on track towards achieving those goals.

Tips to Refine your Buyers Agency Strategies

Here are some tips for implementing clear and defined strategies in running a business:

    • Define Your Mission and Vision: Start by defining the mission and vision of your business. This will provide a clear direction and purpose for the business, helping to guide all strategic decisions and actions.

    • Conduct a SWOT Analysis: Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to identify key areas of focus for the business. Use this analysis to inform your strategic planning and identify opportunities for growth and improvement. Our FREE Business Assessment quiz can definitely help here! Click on the link below to try it out!

    • Set Clear Goals and Objectives: Set clear, measurable goals and objectives for your business. This will help to provide a roadmap for achieving success and enable you to track progress and measure success.

    • Develop an Action Plan: Develop an action plan that outlines the steps and activities needed to achieve your goals and objectives. This should include timelines, milestones, and clear responsibilities for each team member.

    • Regularly Review and Adjust: Regularly review your strategies and adjust them as needed based on changing market conditions, internal factors, and new opportunities or challenges.

In summary, clear and defined strategies are essential for business growth. By identifying opportunities, focusing resources, supporting decision-making, and measuring progress, clear strategies can help you achieve your business goals and thrive in a competitive marketplace.

Element #3: Hire Superstar Team Members

Having superstar team members is essential for the success of any property business. 

By using the term “superstars”, we mean not just hiring anyone to be a part of the team, but you have to really be on the lookout for the right people for your business.

Why? Because Superstars bring expertise and specialised knowledge to the business, improving the quality of services offered, enhancing the customer experience, and increasing the efficiency of operations. 

They work collaboratively with others to achieve common goals, fostering innovation and promoting a culture of excellence. 

Superstars are often creative and innovative thinkers who can bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the business, helping to generate new revenue streams, improve processes and procedures, and drive growth. 

They provide exceptional customer service and are committed to delivering it consistently, enhancing the reputation of the business. 

Superstars are often natural leaders who can inspire and motivate others to achieve their best, creating a high-performing team culture, promoting accountability and responsibility, and driving business success. 

In short, these superstar team members are smart, talented, and motivated team members to help you ensure your business growth.

If you want your business to grow, don’t be scared of hiring smart people. Find them and get them into your team, as they can bring valuable benefits and contribute to the overall success of the business.

How to Find the Superstar Team Members

The next question now is: how do you find the right team members??

You might have been scouring through Fiverr or Upwork, but it would just make your hiring process harder. Read our recent blog comparing The Fully Supported Growth Model versus Upwork/Fiverr to find out which choice is best for your buyers agency.

And while we’re at the topic of hiring the right people, here are some tips and strategies for attracting, hiring, and retaining superstar team members in a property business:

    • Develop a strong employer brand: Creating a strong employer brand can help to attract top talent. This includes communicating your company values, mission, and culture to potential candidates. If you are clear about who your company is and the culture you’re wanting to establish, you will find the right talents who also embody the same values as you do. That’s going to be fun work!

    • Offer competitive compensation: Offering competitive compensation packages can help to attract and retain talented team members. This includes salary, benefits, and performance-based bonuses.

    • Provide growth opportunities: Superstar team members are often looking for growth opportunities and challenges. Make sure that you offer training, development, and opportunities for advancement!

    • Emphasise company culture: Building a positive company culture that emphasises teamwork, collaboration, and employee satisfaction can help to attract and retain superstar team members. Most of the time, people don’t stay in a job not because of the salary, but because of the work environment. So it is essential to have a collaborative spirit too. 

    • Provide feedback and recognition: Once you get your superstar onboarded, be sure to give regular feedback and recognition. Doing so can help to keep superstar team members engaged and motivated.

These are just some tips for you to apply in your property business. By implementing these tips and strategies, you will attract, hire, and retain superstar team members, enhancing your overall success.

Time to Assess Your Business

Now that you’ve got a clearer understanding of the importance of these 3 key elements in your business, it’s time to put those learnings into action.

The Growth Hub is your partner to growth. So we formulated this free business assessment quiz to help you do a quick self-check on how well you’re doing in the business!

Do I need help to streamline my systems? 

Maybe I don’t have a clearly-defined strategy in my business yet.

I need to learn how to delegate and multiply my time by finding a superstar team member.

Which one are you?

If you’re not sure yet, then it’s time you take our 2-Minute Business Assessment Quiz!

Know your next move. Don’t risk losing momentum and stalling progress by being indecisive. 

Get the clarity you need to make informed decisions about your business’s future. 

Ready to take the first step towards realising your vision and growing your business? 

Take the quiz now and unlock your full potential!

Click on this link to take the quiz! 👇🏻👇🏻


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The Growth Hub’s Fully Supported GROWTH Model vs. Upwork/Fiverr: Which is the Better Choice for Your Business?

As a Buyers Agent, you probably began your business with the idea of being free from the usual chain full-time jobs that tie you down. Who doesn’t want freedom, right?

But I’m also assuming that you’re working long days and late nights to keep up with the demands of growing the business, satisfying and retaining your clients. SO where is that freedom you pictured out to begin with?

In our fast-paced time, a new trend is emerging, helping Buyers Agents and Buyers Agencies cut the chains that hold them back from claiming that “freedom” they’ve always dreamed of: VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS and FREELANCERS!

But a few questions arise..

What is the difference between a VA and a freelancer?

Is it worth it to hire a VA? 

Where can I find the virtual assistant best fit for my business?

And the list goes on and on and on. 

If you are a Buyers Agent or Buyers Agency who is looking into outsourcing tasks in your business, you might be wondering what the best place to hire a virtual assistant is. In this article, we take a quick comparison between The Growth Hub’s GROWTH Model versus manually hiring from Upwork/Fiverr.

Virtual Assistant VS. Freelancer: What’s the Difference?

First, let’s understand the difference between a Virtual Assistant and a Freelancer. They are both remote workers, but there are some key differences between them that YOU need to know to make sure they get the RIGHT PERSON for your business.

Let’s take a quick look at the difference between a VA and a freelancer:

Virtual AssistantFreelancers
Type of employmentUsually employed by a Virtual Assistant agencySelf-employed professionals 
Tasks coveredTrained and skilled in various administrative and business-related tasks such as email management, appointment scheduling, social media management, customer service, and moreSkilled in a particular area and are typically hired for specialized tasks such as website design, graphic design, writing, and other creative tasks.
Work StyleMay work as an extension of your team, and are usually managed by the agency to ensure that they are meeting your business requirementsOffer their services to businesses on a project-by-project basis.
Work loadTypically full-time or part-time remote workersCan work with multiple clients at the same time

By understanding the difference between these two types of remote workers, you can make an informed decision about which one is best suited to your business needs.

If your business is looking at scaling your business by outsourcing those nitty-gritty admin tasks, you should most likely hire a virtual assistant who can handle multiple tasks, ensuring that everything is taken care of. 

If you’re just looking for someone to take on a one-off project such as a website design, a freelancer might be the one suitable for you in that particular area.

But here’s the thing: business has recurring tasks that usually take up too much time, but they’re not really generating income for the business. They are important to be done, yes, but these tasks might be the culprit why you’re spreading yourself too thin.

That’s one more difference between a VA and a freelancer: A VA can help you in streamlining your recurring tasks, but a freelancer, most likely, cannot because that is not their role.

To be able to attain that “freedom” I mentioned earlier, you should be able to ‘detach’ yourself and leave your business on autopilot. 

How? By onboarding a Champion virtual assistant! But where do you find them??

What’s the best place to hire a virtual assistant?

There are a lot of platforms where you can find talents to help you scale your business, and because of the wide options, there lies the challenges. 

Let’s explore the top sites Upwork and Fiverr, versus the fully-supported GROWTH Model from The Growth Hub. But first, keep in mind that when it comes to hiring Virtual Assistants vs. Freelancers, the key difference is in the level of support provided

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Upwork and Fiverr

From their dashboard, you will essentially see that these platforms are the marketplace if you are finding FREELANCERS, project-based talents. 

While these are extremely good sites to find help, if you’re looking for constant support in your business, these platforms will have some limitations and might not be a good fit for your business.

Here are some challenges that you might also encounter if you decide to find a team member in Upwork/Fiverr:

  • Quality of Talent: Freelancer platforms like Upwork give you access to a large pool of talent, but it’s up to you to find the right person for the job. Since anyone can sign up as a freelancer, you might find people who submit impressive CVs but their quality of work does not support their portfolio.
  • Consistency and Reliability: When working with freelancers, time zone, language, and other communication challenges might become an issue. There’s always the risk of them not showing up for work, delivering subpar work or disappearing altogether. 
  • Time and Effort: Hiring through a freelancer platform requires significant time and effort from you to sift through candidates, verify their skills, and manage them. Yes, you instantly become the HR department of your business, going through the hiring process on your own!
  • Cost: Freelance platforms are often perceived as more cost-effective, but that’s not always the case. There might be some cases that project-based freelancers charge way up in contrast to the quality of the output of the project. This is definitely not always the case, but it happens.

Additionally, freelancers may not have the same level of training and support that Virtual Assistants have, making it harder to manage and ensure that they are meeting the needs of scaling your business.

True enough, most businesses opt to find talents via Upwork and Fiverr because it might seem like the easiest and cheapest option, but there are more considerations you should think about, aside from the cost. 

If you are not careful, these “cheaper options” might just cost you more not just in terms of money, but also in effort, time, and stress.  

The Fully-Supported GROWTH Model by The Growth Hub

At The Growth Hub, on the other hand, we provide ongoing support and training to our virtual assistants Champions to ensure that they are meeting the needs of their clients and that they are happy in their work.

  • Quality of Talent: We have already done the work of vetting and selecting highly skilled and experienced Champions for you! 
  • Consistency and Reliability: With us, there’s a guarantee of consistent service and reliability, as we have a reputation to uphold and often have multiple backup resources.
  • Time and Effort: We have a more streamlined hiring process as we take care of everything from candidate selection and recruitment to training, performance management, and administration.
  • Cost: Hiring a Champion through us can be a bit expensive upfront, but we have systems in place to ensure the VA’s productivity and prevent delays, resulting in long-term cost savings.

In short, Champion Virtual Assistants and Freelancers have different roles and responsibilities when it comes to helping businesses manage their workload. And this is the secret ingredient in scaling your business!

While freelancers are great for specialized tasks, our Champion Virtual Assistants are ideal for ongoing administrative and business-related tasks that require ongoing support and training.

Still thinking, “is it worth it to hire a VA?” The answer is a resounding YES!

Looking for the best place to hire a virtual assistant? The Growth Hub is the answer!

Which Option Is Right for You?

If you are still observing the balance scale whether you’ll hire from freelancing platforms or get the fully-supported GROWTH model, we recommend that you watch this short video explaining the benefits and stability of the GROWTH model compared with other platform services in the market.

Say goodbye to the inconsistent, time-consuming, and stressful hiring process you have to go through when you surf the freelancing platforms out there and say hello to a stable, streamlined, and hassle-free system of the GROWTH Model!

As our client, Joe Tucker said, everything here is in place and you just have to focus on the things that matter most in your business. He found the answer to the itching question, “Is it worth it to hire a VA?” with The Growth Hub!

If you’re ready to discover what a virtual assistant can do for you and your business, let us know! We’d love to talk with you and let you know how your business can go on autopilot with the right systems, strategies, and team members in place. 

Claim that freedom you’ve always dreamed of, because you CAN. 

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The Growth Hub VS Upwork VS Fiverr

The Growth Hub's Fully Supported GROWTH Model vs. Upwork/Fiverr: Which is the Better Choice for Your Business?

As a Buyers Agent, you probably began your business with the idea of being free from the usual chain of full-time jobs that tie you down. Who doesn’t want freedom, right?
But I’m also assuming that you’re working long days and late nights to keep up with the demands of growing the business, and satisfying and retaining your clients. So where is that freedom you pictured, to begin with?
In our fast-paced time, a new trend is emerging, helping Buyers Agents and Buyers Agencies cut the chains that hold them back from claiming that “freedom” they’ve always dreamed of: VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS and FREELANCERS!
But a few questions arise..
What is the difference between a VA and a freelancer?
Is it worth it to hire a VA? 
Where can I find the virtual assistant best fit for my business?
And the list goes on and on and on.
If you are a Buyers Agent or Buyers Agency who is looking into outsourcing tasks in your business, you might be wondering what the best place to hire a virtual assistant is. In this article, we take a quick comparison between The Growth Hub’s GROWTH Model versus manually hiring from Upwork/Fiverr.

Virtual Assistant VS. Freelancer: What’s the Difference?

First, let’s understand the difference between a Virtual Assistant and a Freelancer. They are both remote workers, but there are some key differences between them that YOU need to know to make sure they get the RIGHT PERSON for your business.
Let’s take a quick look at the difference between a VA and a freelancer:
Virtual Assistant
Type of employment
Usually employed by a Virtual Assistant agency
Self-employed professionals
Tasks covered
Trained and skilled in various administrative and business-related tasks such as email management, appointment scheduling, social media management, customer service, and more
Skilled in a particular area and are typically hired for specialized tasks such as website design, graphic design, writing, and other creative tasks.
Work Style
May work as an extension of your team, and are usually managed by the agency to ensure that they are meeting your business requirements
Offer their services to businesses on a project-by-project basis.
Work load
Typically full-time or part-time remote workers
Can work with multiple clients at the same time
By understanding the difference between these two types of remote workers, you can make an informed decision about which one is best suited to your business needs.
If your business is looking at scaling your business by outsourcing those nitty-gritty admin tasks, you should most likely hire a virtual assistant who can handle multiple tasks, ensuring that everything is taken care of.
If you’re just looking for someone to take on a one-off project such as a website design, a freelancer might be the one suitable for you in that particular area.
But here’s the thing: business has recurring tasks that usually take up too much time, but they’re not really generating income for the business. They are important to be done, yes, but these tasks might be the culprit why you’re spreading yourself too thin.
That’s one more difference between a VA and a freelancer: A VA can help you in streamlining your recurring tasks, but a freelancer, most likely, cannot because that is not their role.
To be able to attain that “freedom” I mentioned earlier, you should be able to ‘detach’ yourself and leave your business on autopilot.
How? By onboarding a Champion virtual assistant! But where do you find them??

What’s the best place to hire a virtual assistant?

There are a lot of platforms where you can find talents to help you scale your business, and because of the wide options, there lies the challenges.
Let’s explore the top sites Upwork and Fiverr, versus the fully-supported GROWTH Model from The Growth Hub. But first, keep in mind that when it comes to hiring Virtual Assistants vs. Freelancers, the key difference is in the level of support provided.
Ready? Let’s dive in!

Upwork and Fiverr

From their dashboard, you will essentially see that these platforms are the marketplace if you are finding FREELANCERS, project-based talents.
While these are extremely good sites to find help, if you’re looking for constant support in your business, these platforms will have some limitations and might not be a good fit for your business.
Here are some challenges that you might also encounter if you decide to find a team member in Upwork/Fiverr:
Quality of Talent: Freelancer platforms like Upwork give you access to a large pool of talent, but it’s up to you to find the right person for the job. Since anyone can sign up as a freelancer, you might find people who submit impressive CVs but their quality of work does not support their portfolio.
Consistency and Reliability: When working with freelancers, time zone, language, and other communication challenges might become an issue. There’s always the risk of them not showing up for work, delivering subpar work or disappearing altogether.
Time and Effort: Hiring through a freelancer platform requires significant time and effort from you to sift through candidates, verify their skills, and manage them. Yes, you instantly become the HR department of your business, going through the hiring process on your own!
Cost: Freelance platforms are often perceived as more cost-effective, but that’s not always the case. There might be some cases that project-based freelancers charge way up in contrast to the quality of the output of the project. This is definitely not always the case, but it happens.
Additionally, freelancers may not have the same level of training and support that Virtual Assistants have, making it harder to manage and ensure that they are meeting the needs of scaling your business.
True enough, most businesses opt to find talents via Upwork and Fiverr because it might seem like the easiest and cheapest option, but there are more considerations you should think about, aside from the cost.
If you are not careful, these “cheaper options” might just cost you more not just in terms of money, but also in effort, time, and stress.

The Fully-Supported GROWTH Model by The Growth Hub

At The Growth Hub, on the other hand, we provide ongoing support and training to our virtual assistants Champions to ensure that they are meeting the needs of their clients and that they are happy in their work.
Quality of Talent: We have already done the work of vetting and selecting highly skilled and experienced Champions for you!
Consistency and Reliability: With us, there’s a guarantee of consistent service and reliability, as we have a reputation to uphold and often have multiple backup resources.
Time and Effort: We have a more streamlined hiring process as we take care of everything from candidate selection and recruitment to training, performance management, and administration.
Cost: Hiring a Champion through us can be a bit expensive upfront, but we have systems in place to ensure the VA’s productivity and prevent delays, resulting in long-term cost savings.
In short, Champion Virtual Assistants and Freelancers have different roles and responsibilities when it comes to helping businesses manage their workload. And this is the secret ingredient in scaling your business!
While freelancers are great for specialized tasks, our Champion Virtual Assistants are ideal for ongoing administrative and business-related tasks that require ongoing support and training.
Still thinking, “is it worth it to hire a VA?” The answer is a resounding YES!
Looking for the best place to hire a virtual assistant? The Growth Hub is the answer!

Which Option Is Right for You?

If you are still observing the balance scale whether you’ll hire from freelancing platforms or get the fully-supported GROWTH model, we recommend that you watch this short video explaining the benefits and stability of the GROWTH model compared with other platform services in the market.
Say goodbye to the inconsistent, time-consuming, and stressful hiring process you have to go through when you surf the freelancing platforms out there and say hello to a stable, streamlined, and hassle-free system of the GROWTH Model!
As our client, Joe Tucker said, everything here is in place and you just have to focus on the things that matter most in your business. He found the answer to the itching question, “Is it worth it to hire a VA?” with The Growth Hub!
If you’re ready to discover what a virtual assistant can do for you and your business, let us know! We’d love to talk with you and let you know how your business can go on autopilot with the right systems, strategies, and team members in place.
Claim that freedom you’ve always dreamed of, because you CAN.

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