Standing Out: Unveiling Our Virtual Assistant Services Packages Exclusively for Clients

Standing Out: Unveiling Our Virtual Assistant Services Packages Exclusively for Clients

Photo by Edmond Dantès

Countless VA agencies can offer you various virtual assistant services, but not all are dedicated to supporting you along the transition. Find out what makes TGH stand out amidst the sea of VA agencies out there in this article.

Let’s face the truth: the demand for virtual assistants has skyrocketed since the pandemic started. Even now, virtual teams are becoming common for a variety of reasons:

  • You can have access to global talents for your specific needs
  • Virtual teams can be more cost-effective (saves you the physical expenses like office space, utilities, equipment, etc)
  • You can have increased flexibility and productivity
  • And so many more!

But most of the time, many agencies only pair you with a VA, and then let you go on your way, leaving you to figure out the rest on your own.

And that can be a little bit more stressful, right? 

How about the training? 

What if your VA suddenly goes MIA (missing in action)?

Can I get a replacement if I don’t like my VA’s performance?

And so many anxious questions can flood your mind. 

That’s the TGH difference: we take you by the hand and guide you through every step of the process.

At TGH, we have one mission: to STRATEGISE, SYSTEMISE, and SUPERSIZE your business to help you achieve unparalleled SCALE. 

How do we do that? 

We believe that strategic planning, efficient systems, and exponential growth are the keys to success in the digital age.

So, in this article, let us walk you through the comprehensive training journey TGH gives exclusively to our clients, so you don’t get lost at sea with your Champion.

Related read: The Growth Hub’s Fully Supported GROWTH Model vs. Upwork/Fiverr: Which is the Better Choice for Your Business?

Need a hand to onboard an awesome Champion and make the most out of our virtual assistant services? Our Growth Strategist can help you out!

TGH Full-Support Virtual Assistant Services

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

Client and virtual assistant match-making is just one of the services TGH can do for you. We strive to go above and beyond to make sure every step of the scaling process is smooth and successful. 

From the moment you reach out to our Growth Strategist, we aim to understand your business goals and help you get enlightened of how you can achieve them. Let us run you through the basic package our virtual assistant service entails:

Set Up For Your Success (SUFS) Sessions

As the session title suggests, we will help you get set up for your success. These sessions are calls with our Growth Strategist to understand your business goals and devise a personalised plan on how you can achieve that. 

The first session is called “Growth Plan & Systems Audit Session” — a 30-minute call to discuss how your systems are in place in your business. With our Growth Strategist, you will be able to identify the points that need to be worked and focused on to refine your business processes.

The second session will be a one-hour call, the “Way You Work Session”

In this call, we will introduce you to your dedicated Client Success Hero (CSH) who will assist you from that point onwards. They are trained and qualified individuals who will check up on you every month to ensure you have good support as you work with TGH. This will also trigger the start of the recruitment process.

Our Interactive Recruitment Process

During our recruitment process, the most important thing we make sure is that we understand your specific business needs, goals, and company culture. This will ensure that we will find the perfect Champion match for you. With our Talent Acquisition team and a pool of talented Champions, we can save you from the headache and stress of going through piles of resumes! 

Then our team will shortlist the potential Champions who align with your values and vision. We also assess their skills, experiences, and compatibility with your business.

Of course, we won’t leave you in the shadows. Once the potential candidates are shortlisted, this is the time we involve you for you to choose who will you be picking as a part of your virtual team.

Once you’ve selected your Champion, we will be the one to train them! Yes, it’s on us! We want to make sure your Champion is fully equipped and hits the ground running without having to demand too much of your time. 

It’s part of our outstanding onboarding process, so you don’t have to break a sweat about it.

Solid Team Support

Throughout your partnership with TGH, you’ll have solid team support to help you keep the ball running smoothly between you and your Champion. 

Unlike the other platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, we pledge to offer you only the best talents and support that you need.

Let us give you a breakdown of how our solid support looks like:

Your Client Success Hero

As mentioned earlier, you will have a dedicated Client Success Hero (CSH) who will be your primary point of contact should you have any questions or concerns. 

They will serve as your guide, and they’ll check up on you every month too, so make sure you take advantage of that! 

Related read: Excellent Performance Management with Virtual Assistants: The Growth Hub’s Way

Quarterly Growth Plan Sessions

As your schedule allows, our Growth Strategist would love to hop on a quarterly call with you to assess how you, your business, and your Champion are doing. This will help you realign your plans to your business goals as appropriate. 

We know that to be really good at achieving goals, we need someone’s point of view. 

So when you partner with us, you’ll get these Growth Plan sessions for free!

Coaching and Expert Sessions

We believe that a community that supports each other achieves success together. 

That’s why we organised a private Facebook group exclusive for our clients! In this online community, we hold coaching and expert sessions as well as our Client library resources that you can implement in your business. 

It’s like a guide that you can access anytime, anywhere, and hey — they’re for your eyes ONLY!

Case Study: Keith Chen

Let’s hear it out from Keith Chen of MORC Interiors, who has been with us for more than 2 years! 

With the collaborative efforts of our Heroes and his dedicated Champion, he was able to give more time to his business and to his family. 

He’s gone from running a one-man show to a full-blasst business owner who takes control of his time, focus and energy to growing and achieving his business goals.

Here’s his honest, through review of his experience for the past years:

Let’s hear it out from Keith Chen of MORC Interiors, who has been with us for more than 2 years! 

With the collaborative efforts of our Heroes and his dedicated Champion, he was able to give more time to his business and to his family. 

He’s gone from running a one-man show to a full-blasst business owner who takes control of his time, focus and energy to growing and achieving his business goals.

Here’s his honest, through review of his experience for the past years:

If you’re still feeling a little skeptic, that’s okay. We understand. 

And maybe hearing his story from Keith himself in can shed you some light, so watch his story here.

Want to see a difference in your business? Discover how our Growth Strategist and The Growth Hub services can be your partner!

Your Champion’s On-the-Job Training is On US!

Our commitment to your success doesn’t end after the onboarding process. 

We strongly believe in the importance of sharpening the saw, that’s why we hold ongoing training every other week for your Champion!

We call them Lunch & Learn, Power Hour sessions, and we even hold Townhalls each quarter, to have a little fun! All work without play makes Johnny a dull boy, right? So we make sure the fun is not left out. 

These training varies from personal development to new tools, skills, best practices, and guidance to magnify their performance as your Champion.

We aim for continuous improvement and optimisation, and these calls are proof of that! And the best thing? These training are on US!

Let’s Start Our Journey Together!

Photo by Artem Podrez

And there you have it! We hope you gained insights and was inspired by our virtual assistant services packages that we give exclusively for clients.

You see, at TGH, we believe that our connection and support shouldn’t just stop by the time that you got your Champion. Like in any other relationships, we know that nurturing and taking care of our clients and Champions are keys to both of our success and growth.

And these services are not generic, they are personalised, based on your needs and guide, to make sure that you achieve your goals in every step of the way.

It’s our way to “hold you by the hand” towards scaling and success.

Are you ready to a brighter future? Speak to our Growth Specialist today and see the bright future for yourself!

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The Growth Hub and YOU: Growth Partners in Building Scalable Teams

The Growth Hub and YOU: Growth Partners in Building Scalable Teams

Photo by Fauxels

All businesses aim for one goal when they start: to scale. With the right connections, it IS possible! But how do you find the right growth partner? Read on and find out how!

Scalability in all aspects of the business is the secret sauce that can transform a good business into a great one. It means despite the bigger workload and demands, your organisation can still perform well and your work output is not compromised. 

In our experience, we have seen how a scalable team contributes a lot in the business’ success!

But what exactly is a scalable team, and why should it be on your radar?

A scalable team is versatile, adaptable, and ready to tackle any challenge that comes its way. In a world where change is the only constant, having a team that can effortlessly grow or shrink as needed is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity.

So, why does scalability matter? 

Simple. It’s the cornerstone of sustainable growth. It allows your business to thrive, whether you’re riding the wave of booming demand or navigating through lean times.

Related read: Growth Strategy Secrets: Why You Should Build a Scalable Team

But, and it’s a big but, it’s not all smooth sailing.

Scaling a team comes with its unique set of challenges. 

From managing costs during rapid expansion to finding that elusive balance between quality and quantity, the path to building a scalable team is not without its twists and turns.

The good news is that with the right partners, you can jump on each hurdle your property business might be facing when it comes to scaling.

In this article, we’ll share with you a sneak peek into TGH’s services and fantastic ways to arm you with the knowledge and strategies you need to conquer the challenges and harness the power of scalability for your business’s growth. 

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Aiming to scale your business and your team? Book a call with our Growth Strategist and explore how TGH can be your perfect business growth partner!

Note: Portions of this article were generated with the assistance of AI.

What Growth Partners Do to Help You Scale

Photo by Sora Shimazaki

So, what exactly does a growth partner bring to the table? 

Here are the roles of a typical growth partner in fostering your business’s expansion and ensuring your team can scale seamlessly:

Strategic Planning: Your growth partner is like a seasoned navigator, helping you plot the course for your business’s growth journey. They assess your current position, identify growth opportunities, and co-create a strategic roadmap that aligns with your goals. It’s like having a trusty map in uncharted territory.

Expertise and Guidance: Think of your growth partner as your Yoda in the world of business. They bring a wealth of experience and industry knowledge to the table. Whether it’s market insights, industry trends, or best practices, they’re your go-to source for guidance and wisdom.

Tailored Solutions: One size fits none in the world of business growth. Your growth partner crafts solutions tailored to your unique needs and challenges. It’s like having a custom-made suit; it fits perfectly and makes you stand out in a crowd.

Access to Resources: Growth partners often have access to a treasure trove of resources, from workshops and training programs to cutting-edge tools and technologies. They ensure you’re equipped with the latest and greatest, giving you a competitive edge.

Networking Power: Your growth partner is your ticket to a bustling network of connections. They open doors to potential clients, partners, investors, and collaborators. It’s like having a backstage pass to the most exclusive business events.

Talent Sourcing: Building a scalable team requires the right talent, and your growth partner can be the matchmaker. They connect you with skilled professionals, both locally and globally, ensuring you have the right people in place.

Monitoring and Feedback: Just like a coach on the sidelines, your growth partner keeps a watchful eye on your progress. They track key performance indicators (KPIs), provide feedback, and help you course-correct when needed. It’s like having a built-in GPS for your business journey.

Have you found a growth partner with all these qualities? 

If you haven’t, let us introduce you to how TGH can actually help you in ALL of these aspects!

The Growth Hub’s Role in Building Scalable Teams

Now let’s take a closer look at TGH’s game-changing services that elevate your business and team to new heights, consider partnering with a growth ally. 

Strategic Planning

If you find yourself with a head full of ideas but no clear starting point for putting your plans into action, it’s high time to discover the art of ‘Growing With the Flow.’

The Grow With The Flow program serves as your gateway to unveiling the FUNDAMENTAL STEPS you must take. With this program, you and your team can seamlessly embrace a master workflow, fostering collective business growth with ease and efficiency.

This program includes three 90-minute calls with our Marketing Specialist to make sure your marketing strategy is in place and properly enforced!

Expertise and Guidance

With the right business growth plan, stability and success will be an exciting experience just at your fingertips. 

But first, you need to know where your buyers agency business is in its journey. 

If you are looking for ideas for a business development plan or an effective growth marketing plan, here’s a FREE business growth plan pdf template that you can refer to, with comprehensive steps that a buyer’s agent can take to grow their business, build their brand, and increase their revenue.

It’s called as the Buyers Agent Growth Map, by the way.

You can also book a call with our Growth Strategist to get more guidance to help you grow your business. All to help you scale!

Tailored Solutions

Small business owners need help with three common issues when it comes to marketing: lack of growth strategy, limited budget, and not enough time. 

The result? Slow scaling.

The solution? TGH marketing support is tailored to your business needs! 

Our Marketing Growth Strategy is designed to be simple, cost-effective, and scalable. We take the time to understand your company and its needs so that we can provide tailored growth strategies for long-term success.

Case Study: Nitin Vashisht

Nitin Vashisht of Nav Accountants and Advisors was planning to hold a live seminar for his business, but he wasn’t sure how to begin and implement strategies to make it happen.

He booked a Marketing Growth Strategy with TGH and found solid marketing strategy support and project coordination with his live event.

This event turned out to be a lucrative outlet which helped him get more clients, with a reasonable investment. Here’s what Nitin said about his experience:

Eventually, Nitin also availed of our VA service and has been working with a Champion for his marketing strategies for more than a year now. 

Watch Nitin’s story here 👇🏻

Book a call with our Growth Strategist to learn how our Champions can help you out!

Access to Resources

As valued clients, TGH aims to serve and give all the valuable resources available to you. 

We are constantly in motion to create resource guides, libraries, and videos that can help you catch up with the ever-changing landscape of the property business. 

An example? The Business of Property Live Series!

This is an interview with different guests on a wide range of topics in property development from acquisition tips to running projects, and property mindset. 

We are constantly optimising our client resource library, so be on the lookout once it’s finished!

Now that you’ve built a fantastic, adaptable crew, let’s talk about the best practices for keeping a well-oiled scalable team. 

We’re going to dive into monitoring and evaluation, the vital role of leadership, fostering a culture of adaptability and growth, and those invaluable lessons learned (and a few potholes to avoid) from scaling pros.

Networking Power

TGH isn’t just all about virtual. We also hold dynamic Networking Events for property business owners at Sunshine Coast and Sydney every month!

These events are a chance to expand your network, gain insights from industry leaders, and savour delicious food in a picturesque setting. 

Whether you’re a seasoned property pro or just starting your journey, our Networking Event offers valuable connections and knowledge sharing to fuel your

Want to catch this fantastic opportunity? Click here to save your seat in our next Networking Event!

Talent Sourcing

We specialize in ATTRACTING, NURTURING, and ACTIVATING skilled Virtual Assistants based in the Philippines, making team expansion both cost-effective and remarkably efficient for your scaling needs.

Discovering top-tier Virtual Assistants, or as we fondly call them, ‘Champions,’ demands a unique set of expertise and experience. 

We’ve honed this craft through countless interviews, thorough DISC profiling, and numerous successful placements with our clients.

Monitoring and Feedback

Our services don’t just stop after meeting with you once. We make sure to do a follow-through, so you can continue achieving your goals.

We have our beautiful and amazing Client SUccess Heroes (CSH) to do just that! 

Related read: Excellent Performance Management with Virtual Assistants: The Growth Hub’s Way

TGH is Your Growth Partner!

Photo by Thirdman

In the exhilarating journey of business growth, one thing shines clear: the importance of scalable teams. 

In that case, The Growth Hub IS your partner in this growth adventure!

With a mission to foster business expansion, they provide expert guidance, tailored solutions, and access to resources and talent, we can be your secret weapon for building scalable teams.

And hey, beyond these strategies, we also networking opportunities, access to experts, and a wealth of resources to help your team and business flourish.

Whether you’re a startup looking to expand or an established business aiming for new heights, they’re your ally in building scalable teams and achieving sustainable growth. 

Take the leap, explore their services, and embark on a journey toward business success that’s backed by expert guidance and support. 

With The Growth Hub by your side, there are no limits to what you can achieve.

WE are your Growth Partners.

Ready? Book a call with our Growth Strategist today. Your growth story starts now!

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Task Offload Tactics: Which Virtual Assistant Tasks Should I Let Go?

Task Offload Tactics: Which Virtual Assistant Tasks Should I Let Go?

Don’t know which business tasks are actually virtual assistant tasks that you can remove from your plate? This article can help you out!

Running a property business is a thrilling journey filled with opportunities, innovation, and growth.

However, behind the scenes lies a complex web of daily tasks that can often transform that thrill into a whirlwind of challenges.

Property business owners know all too well the demands of overseeing various aspects, from property acquisitions to tenant relations and financial management. 

Yet, amidst the excitement, a common hurdle emerges – the daunting task of managing it all. 

As property business owners, we wear multiple hats and juggle myriad responsibilities, leaving us wondering if there’s a way to break free from the daily grind and focus on what truly matters. 

In this article, we’ll delve into the very heart of these challenges, exploring the doubts that arise when considering delegating tasks to others. 

Uncover the intricacies of property business ownership and discover how to offload your routine tasks so you can lead your business to extraordinary growth through our Next Level Picklist Guide!

Virtual Assistant Tasks Delegation: Can You Really Let Go?

Photo by Diva Plavalaguna

Delegation – a word that holds both promise and uncertainty for property business owners. 

If you want to scale, you will really find yourself caught in the crossroads, torn between the desire for growth and the hesitation to relinquish control over your business operations. 

Especially as property entrepreneurs, we know you’ve poured heart, soul, and countless hours into building your ventures from the ground up. 

Yet, the question persists: Can we truly entrust others to handle tasks that are so intricately tied to our business’s success?

Here are some of the common reasons why you might be doubtful about task delegation:

Fear of Loss of Control

One of the top reasons property business owners hesitate to delegate tasks is the fear of losing control. You’ve meticulously crafted your strategies, decisions, and actions, and you can’t just let the “baby” go, right?

Entrusting tasks to someone else can feel like releasing the reins, opening the door to potential missteps or misunderstandings. 

The idea of relinquishing control can stir anxiety and uncertainty, prompting us to cling tighter to tasks we should be considering for delegation.

Doubts About Delegation’s Effectiveness

The third reason is simply that you are not sure which tasks to remove from your plate and delegate to a virtual assistant.

This is a huge bottleneck for property business owners! You just don’t know where or how to start. 

It’s like standing at a buffet with too many choices and not enough plates. And that’s normal to feel!

If you can relate to this, don’t worry, “Next Level Pick List”  is a fantastic tool that can help you choose which tasks are ripe for the picking when it comes to delegation!

Unclear of Which Tasks to Delegate

Another roadblock that emerges in the delegation journey is doubt about its effectiveness. 

Will the tasks be handled as efficiently and effectively as we would? 

Will the quality be maintained? 

What if they mess up my systems?

These uncertainties, though valid, can prevent us from taking the leap. 

The thought of subpar outcomes or miscommunication can loom large, leading us to opt for the familiar route of shouldering the tasks ourselves

Embracing Transformation Through Delegation

Photo by Mizuno K

Here’s a thought you might want to keep in mind: Delegation isn’t merely about shifting tasks to others; it’s about reshaping the way we operate. 

By entrusting routine tasks to capable hands, we unlock time and mental space to focus on strategic decision-making, growth-oriented activities, and creative innovations. 

Delegation doesn’t signify a loss of control, but rather a strategic distribution of responsibilities that can lead to a more streamlined and efficient operation.

Moreover, the act of embracing delegation goes beyond business. It extends into our personal lives, ushering in a renewed work-life balance that allows us to thrive in both spheres!

The transformation isn’t solely about optimising the business; it’s about reclaiming your time and energy to invest in what truly matters – nurturing your business’s future and enhancing your personal well-being.

Task Offload Tactic: Our Next Level Pick List!

If you’re one of those property business owners who are still confused about where or how to begin delegating tasks, our Next Level Pick List. is your roadmap!

The Next Level Pick List will give you clarity and help you develop strategic decision-making in clearing your plate and handing tasks over to a fantastic virtual property assistant. 

Each task listed is an opportunity – an opportunity to delegate and elevate your business, from managing property inquiries to coordinating maintenance requests, or even conducting research!

Get ready to seize the power of delegation and embrace the newfound freedom it brings. Download your Next Level Pick List” today and embark on a path of unprecedented growth and efficiency.

The Power of a VA Champion

Why onboard a virtual assistant (or as we call it, Champion), anyway?

Well, first off, a Champion isn’t merely a remote worker; they’re a strategic partner poised to amplify your property business’s potential. 

Unlike a conventional employee, a VA Champion embodies adaptability, agility, and a solution-oriented mindset. They thrive in virtual environments and are adept at handling tasks ranging from administrative duties to research, communications, and more. 

A Champion is not just a task executor; they’re a valuable contributor who can actively contribute to your business’s growth trajectory.

Here are some reasons WHY you should onboard a Champion in your team:

Increased Productivity: With routine tasks off your plate, you’re free to focus on strategic decisions and growth initiatives that propel your business forward.

Time Saving: Imagine the hours you can reclaim by passing on administrative, repetitive tasks to your Champion. This newfound time becomes a canvas for innovation and expansion.

Scalability: As your property business evolves, your Champion’s role can seamlessly adapt. They scale with your needs, providing consistent support as your operations grow.

Case Study: Palash Dave

With his property business booming, Palash realised his hands were full.

Multiple clients were coming in, but the backend tasks (especially the admin tasks) were getting all over the place, and it became too much to handle!

And then he met TGH, got his Champion VA, and began setting things in order again. 

Getting back to his rhythm helped Palash scale his business while being assured that his Champion was taking care of everything that’s happening behind the scenes. 

What helped him? He understood which tasks to delegate, and how to effectively communicate with his Champion!

Watch his full story here.

At TGH, we have a pool of talented and outstanding property assistants AKA Champions who understand your business, leading to more fruitful ventures!

Get in touch with our Growth Specialist to know how a Champion can power up your property game.

Delegate and Thrive

Again, delegation isn’t merely about offloading tasks but unlocking your capacity to innovate, strategize, and drive your property business toward unprecedented success.

Gone are the days of second-guessing which tasks are fit for delegation. 

With the “Next Level Pick List,” you’re equipped with a tool that streamlines your decision-making process. to freeing up your time, optimizing your focus, and driving your property business to new heights.

Remember, decisions become easier when informed by clarity. The “Next Level Pick List” empowers you to make choices grounded in your property business’s growth and prosperity. 

As you tick off tasks ready for delegation, you’ll experience the liberation that comes with unburdening yourself from routine activities, allowing you to channel your energy where it truly matters.

And if you’re ready to welcome a Champion to support you in your property business, TGH is here to help you find your perfect match. Click on this link to book a discovery call with our Growth Specialist today!

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